Download the 1.2 HD patch:

Space Colony HD

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MD5: C821E5C7035B9B517823466F4CEDADD3

Patch notes:

Space Colony v1.2

  • This patch upgrades Space Colony to the new HD version
  • Added support for resolutions of up to 2560x1600, a huge increase from the previous cap.
  • We have also included some bonus maps for you to play around with and enjoy, some created by ourselves and some by members of our outstanding and dedicated fan communities.

Space Colony v1.1

  • Dogbots, soldiers and commandos can be located by clicking on the icon which appears just above the colonists' faces in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
  • The following Galaxy Mode missions have been updated: Abayomi, Aelfwine, Batuuli, Caerl, Ceolwulf, Pakendorf, Vaatz and Von Funck.
  • Colonists cannot be moved around outside when they become mentally unstable.
  • The issue with grass not being placed around golf holes has been fixed.
  • Characters no longer shoot at aliens inside the base when they become mentally unstable.
  • The disco music is now linked to the music option and not the speech option.
  • If you used the F1 key to save the game, the interface would be hidden. This has been fixed.
  • Speech has been added when you tell a character to repair certain items.
  • Sometimes colonists repeated the same set of speech, after already saying it. This has been rectified.
  • The issue of the mission not completing when playing an 18-hole golf course has been fixed.
  • Fribulan could use equipment which required maintenance. This has been fixed.
  • You can now assign a colonist to a different task when they are shooting at rodents.
  • Venus could become mentally unstable but carry on working.
  • The issue has been resolved with the iron extractor walking through the base.
  • The issue in which Venus is unable to get into the nutrient extractor and instead repeatedly circles around outside has been fixed.
  • An issue which allowed colonists to train without reducing the training availability count has been rectified.
  • In the mission where the goal is to build sentinels, removing a sentinel after it has been built didn't change mission status. This has been rectified.
  • The Fribulan tourist faced the wrong way when greeted by a colonist.
  • The issue with the mechanoid suddenly freezing has been fixed.
  • Occasionally the green beam, which is displayed when items are being maintained, was shown across the whole screen.
  • When the Anti-fun League condition ran, it left behind the food chute after the restaurant had been removed.
  • An issue with the hover mine targeting weaker aliens first has been resolved.
  • Occasionally an objective was ticked even though it hadn't been reached.
  • Tourists attempted to play golf when the grass wasn't planted, throwing off the golf holes played count in missions with golf course goals.
  • The text will display correctly on Japanese versions of Windows.
  • Various other issues have also been resolved.

PLEASE NOTE: This patch will not work with the Steam Edition. The Steam Edition is updated automatically to the most recent version.

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Gird your loins and sharpen your steel! Besiege 20 unique enemy lords and battle friends online, in this expanded remaster of the classic 'castle sim'. Relive history with new units, AI opponents, visuals, audio, campaigns, skirmish trails, co-op and larger maps.